Das "The Guys"-Debakel - Sneak und Publikum

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Hier kann über das ganze Drumherum der Sneak (also die Moderation, das Tipspiel, Versteigerungen, und das übliche Chaos) diskutiert werden.

Moderatoren: Kasi Mir, emma, Niels

Kasi Mir
mySneak.de Team
Beiträge: 1455
Registriert: 2002-10-06 15:10
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Kasi Mir »

tenth-row bob hat geschrieben:This is getting a little off the subject -- and this might not be a spot on this website where anyone will read this
That's why I just moved this part of the discussion into another forum on the web site.
tenth-row bob hat geschrieben:In the Sneak we could do something similar. If a certain number on people leave (quietly if one prefers) during a certain amount of time (say 100-200 in 30 minutes) then the film would automatically be stopped and "Rumble in the Bronx" would be shown every time. A movie would have to be pretty bad for the sneakers to want to rewatch the Jackie Chan classic for the 15th time, but it would probably happen once or twice a year.
Any comments?
Yes - I for one would certainly stop participating in the Grindelsneak altogether if such a procedure would be adopted.

As weird as that might sound to any of the so-called "Spaßfraktion" - I come to the Sneak once a week (for more than eight years now) to watch a movie. I love movies, I like watching them, and even if it's a bad one, I like to find out for myself that is really is bad all the way from the beginning to the end.

Thus, your proposed scheme totally defies the purpose of being in the cinema. I like the lively audience participation that is part of the Sneak, because it can intensify certain amounts of the movie expierience - but I draw the line where people make it impossible to even understand the movie that is the whole purpose of the show. Whether they do it intentionally or just because they don't care or can't grasp the concept of watching movies in their entirety is of secondary concern to me. And whether they ruin the evening because they talk, yell or joke all the time or because they leave the theatre in such numbers that the film is stopped before the end, doesn't matter either - the evening is ruined either way. A movie showing that explicitely includes the possibility that I may only see half of a movie is utter nonsense to me - that's like watching half a football game or reading only half of every article in a newspaper.

Kasi Mir
Master of Ceremonies
Beiträge: 2309
Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Roughale »

Hmmmmh, netter Vorschlag, aber, wie kasiMir schon bemerkte, eher unpraktikabel, weil eigentlich die die gehen, lieber Jackie sehen würden, als die die bleiben...

Wenn ein anderes Kino frei wär, könnte man das ja benutzen für die Gonger ;-) Geht bestimmt nicht, aber ich denke mal, das scheiter eh dran, dass Rumble gar nicht vorhanden ist ;-)

Egal was,wie und wann, Vorschläge sind immer gut, mal sehen, was heute kommt ;-)
Peace, Roughale (aka Roughoul or AROHYOUGEEAGEAYELEE)
tenth-row bob

Beitrag von tenth-row bob »

Hallo Kai, Kasi Mir und Roughdale,
The gong show idea wouldn't really work in the Grindel anyway, because they almost certainly have a three plate projection system and you wouldn't be able to quickly change the film without cutting it and causing the projectionist two hours of work after the screening.
I don't remember that many people leaving "Eight-legged freaks", but you are probably right that this solution, even if technically possible, would cause more problems than it would solve. Sadly, it would probably result in the films that I like (I preferred Dogville to Freddy) being replaced by Jackie Chan.
Kasi Mir, We all have experienced unpleasant situations in the sneak before (where 8th row asks 6th row to be quiet and is threatened with violence after the show) and we can all quickly agree that that the world would be a better place if these bullies didn't come to the sneak. Threatening to throw out wrongdoers -- this was my opinion in a nutshell --won't keep these people out, but will scare off the normal sneakers like me by making monday evening seem like a school for problem children. I think Heyke's comments on the monday after the guy-sneak and the various calls for new rules and for the cinema to hire "moscow inkasso" to stand in the aisles won't make things better. But, I could be wrong and the sneak may become much better because the suffering majority finally put their collective foot down. I sort of doubt it, but who knows.